Truck Safety

Keeping your truck in condition of protection from fatalities and road accident, that may incidentally occur while driving on public roads, primarily lack of viewing angle ,roll over, speeding  and hazards associated with petroleum transportation.
Our goal is to aid truck drivers with proper tools and devices to fulfill road safety strategy prevention of injuries and fatalities.

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Rear view camera

Attached onto the rear end of the vehicles to assist the driver on manoeuvring obstacles that may incidentally be pedestrians , cars or loading decks. The camera is fitted with infra-red beams for night vision mode for tight parking spots and avoid hitting parking barriers during night time drives and different weather conditions. Whilst Reverse alarm system provide full assistance on reversing Harsh weather condition as it alerts pedestrians from reversing heavy vehicles.

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Roll Cage

specially engineered and constructed frame built in & outer the passenger compartment of a vehicle to protect its occupants from being injured, once involved in a incident , particularly in the event of a roll-over With the emphasis on security for aiding personnel in the field constantly under review, the roll cage, whether internal or a combination of internal/external units.

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Dead Zone Mirrors

Specially designed for truck to increase viewing angle to enhance truck drive with confidence while driving or surroundings regular checks. That is attached on to the original mirror without causing obstruction to the driver without take any space from the original mirror.

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Black Recording Box For Truck

Specially designed for commercial truck to record and maintain recorded footage in a safe device that is tampered proof against Intrusions. The Black Box Package includes 2 Lock Keys to ensure SD card from tamper As well as for its hard

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