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Forklift Weighing scale

Weighing plays a vital role in warehousing, transportation and materials handling. Having the ability to weigh pallets, drums and directly from the forklift has significant financial, operational and safety advantages. However, any retrofit weighing system must be simple to fit and has to withstand probably the harshest industrial.

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Visual Guidance

Even with global positioning systems and other navigational tools available for motorists nowadays, road and traffic signs are still of high importance. Traffic is everywhere; therefore, signs should be everywhere too.

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Wheel and tires safety

One of the most important safety critical components on cars and trucks, is the pneumatic tire. Vehicle tires primarily control stopping distances on wet and dry roads and strongly influence over-steer/under-steer behavior in handling manoeuvres of cars and trucks. The inflated tire-wheel assembly also acts as a pressure vessel that releases a large amount of energy when catastrophically deflate.The tire can also serve as a fulcrum, both directly and indirectly, in contributing to vehicle roll-over resulting in fatalities and serious injuries to road occupants.

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Wheel Retainer , Safe Wheel , Safety Lug , preventing nut from loosening ,Safety Lug
Safe Wheel, Wheel Retainer, Preventing Nut Loosening, Trucking safety, Safety Gadgets, Safety Gadgets For trucks, preventing Nut Loosening, Preventing lug Loosening, lug lock, lug, Safety lug, devices For trucks, Safety appliances for trucks

Wheel Retainer

Introducing New technology for wheel safety to ease safety check inspection procedure for improving accuracy and precision .Wheel Retainer a ringed shape structure That sits onto wheel nuts to prevent from loosening under road pressure (Vibration, heat and braking) while the vehicle is in motion and attaining their clamping force.

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Bolt Indicator  , Wheel Bolt Indicator ,loosening nut ,loosening lug , checking the nut from loosening , checking the lug from loosening ,
Bolt Indicator ,safety Applications for trucks,Improving safety Trucking by preventing nut loosening , Preventing lug loosening by preventing nut loosening , Safety Gadgets for Truck , Preventing Wheel Loosening , Preventing Nut Loosening , Preventing Lug Loosening , Indicating Nut Loosening , Indicating lug loosening , Wheel Bolt Indicator ,loosening nut ,loosening lug , checking the nut from loosening , checking the lug from loosening ,

Bolt indicators

Are small pointed tags,which are fixed to the lug nuts of the wheels of large vehicles. The tag rotates with the nut, and if the nut becomes loose, the point of the tag shifts noticeably out of alignment with the other tags. If too many lug nuts are loosened, the wheel can detach from the wheel stud, loose wheel nut indicators allow identification of loose nuts before this can occur,in order to aware the driver.

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Truck Safety

Keeping your truck in condition of protection from fatalities and road accident, that may incidentally occur while driving on public roads, primarily lack of viewing angle ,roll over, speeding  and hazards associated with petroleum transportation.
Our goal is to aid truck drivers with proper tools and devices to fulfill road safety strategy prevention of injuries and fatalities.

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Roll Cage

specially engineered and constructed frame built in & outer the passenger compartment of a vehicle to protect its occupants from being injured, once involved in a incident , particularly in the event of a roll-over With the emphasis on security for aiding personnel in the field constantly under review, the roll cage, whether internal or a combination of internal/external units.

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